

The Wings Tour in Jakarta Concert Experience!

Hello all! seriously udah lama banget gue ga nulis :( but now I'll tell you about my experience at TWT in Jakarta a week ago! gak nyangka udah seminggu berlalu setelah gue menonton konser para kesayangan *ealah

H-30 before D-day
Gue baru merasakan pertama kali hypenya kpop concert, maklum sebelumnya gue gapernah nonton konser kpop, paling banter ATL&ARTTM kemaren sama fanmeeting bangtan back in 2015. Setelah nyari di google mengenai kpop concert experience etc, gue udah merasa "siap" buat join the survival of watching kpop concert lol. 

But nyatanya, nonton konser kpop itu sungguh perjuangan banget. Entah ini karna promotornya gak bener cause they're still newbie, atau guenya yang gak prepare. Penjualan ticket tepat kurang lebih 3 minggu sebelum konser berlangsung, which is crazy, gue bersyukur banget karna gue emang niat langsung beli pas promotor announce tanggal jual tiketnya. Karna jeng jeng ticketnya SOLD OUT! bener bener kaget, karna pas fanmeet bangtan aja setau gue gak soldout :( ternyata Bangtan udah menjadi sesuatu yang wow banget di Indo juga yaaaa #proudmom. 

Setelah mantengin website Yes24 ticket satu jam sebelum waktu sales mulai, gue sebenernya sangat bersantai dan yakin "Ah paling gabakal sold out" dan emang niat gue itu mau beli tiketnya masih entaran, butttt meliat antusias armys ina, gue ada feeling ini bakal chaos and abis TT. So feeling gue bener, but Puji Tuhan gue berhasil mengantongi 2 ticket red B #buatliatjhopelebihdekat buat gue dan adek gue :)

H-1 before D-day
Oke, so hari Jumat tanggal 28 April sampe tanggal 29 April adalah waktu penukaran e-ticket menjadi tiket fisik. Karena gue sangat "prepare" mau nonton sampe ngebook hotel deket ICE dari tanggal 28-29, karna udah parno liat pengalaman queuing di kpop concert experience orang-orang, dan kalau dipikir pikir emang lebih baik siap sedia daripada pas hari H lo berangkat super subuh :( Sebenernya gue ada kelas kuliah tanggal segitu sampe jam 12 siang. Adek gue ada sekolah, dan nyokap kerja. But karna kita sangat mager HAHA kita mutusin buat absen semua kesibukan itu #iyademibangtan. Jadi jam 10 pagi kita udah cuss ke ICE buat nuker tiketnya.

Seriously army you guys are super niat!, jam 8 pagi itu jam ticket boxnya buka, gue udah dapat kabar dari group red B kalo bahkan jam segitu aja udah banyak yang ngantri buat nuker ticket doang loh padahal :(

Ini view pas gue sampe buat nuker tiket sekitar jam 11 pagi, udah sampe hall 5 :(

Karna gue gamau capek capek yaa berangkat siangan, gue pikir yah palingan nanti juga sepi kalo siangan. But gue salah malah tambah siang tambah rame! Lucky gue nyampe sekitar jam 11 pagi, dan antrian tuker ticket yang bertempat di Hall 1 ICE udah menjadi ular sampe Hall 5. Gue pun pasrah dan ikut ngantri paling belakang di Hall 5. 10 menitan nunggu baru jalan seumprit, lucky me nyokap gue yang emang so nga sabaran, nyerobot antrian paling depan :))) 

Fortunately, orang-orang di depan itu adalah parents aka emak bapaknya anak anak yang nonton juga hahaha. Jadi nyokap gue sok sksd gitu and suprisingly she got in first LOL sumpah gue udah takut aja bakal di sorakin but no she manage to got in the line! handsdown this is my tips for you if you want to cut in line hihihi.

So, trip gue yang harusnya 1-3 jam buat ngantri  nuker tiket, berubah menjadi 30 menit only berkat nyokap #thanksmom :') Habis mendapatkan tiket fisik, berhubungan ada event Big Bad Wolf (pameran buku buku inggris super murah) di ICE hall 7-10 gue langsung ngibrit ngadem masuk ke hall 7 sekalian hunting buku, yess!
Penampakan tiket TWT in Jakarta :D

Oke sumpah gue kesel banget banget banget sama promotornya. Jam 12 malem mereka announce di twitternya kalo bakal ada que number (nomer antrian buat masuk venue) dan pembagian que number dimulai jam 8 pagi teng. Gue ngerti sistem nomer antrian ini emang bagus :)) cuman YA GAK JAM 12 MALEM JUGA KALI LO KASITAU, lucky me gue masih bangun jam segitu di hotel saking stressnya mikirin bsk mau menghadapi hunger games kayak apa *lebay. Dan actually banyak banget yang udah tidur dan GABACA announcementnya si promotor ini, alhasil mereka telat dateng dan dapet nomer di belakang which is sad TT

Serius its really not fair at all, apalagi buat yang dari luar kota dan baru sampe pas hari H. Dari pas nuker tiket pihak promotor super unhelpful, hari H sama aja. Karna gue emang udah tau kalo bakal ngantri abis abisan dari subuh, gue pun berniat jalan jam 6 pagi dari hotel, pikir gue yaaah mungkin dapet depan lah ya.

Jam 5 bangun pagi mandi siap siap, tololnya gue mengira sistem que ini kayak di luar negeri sana. Dimana abis lu udah dapet nomer antri ya lu bebas pergi kemana aja, BUT abis lo ngantri setengah mati lo udah gaboleh keluar lagi dari venue acara. Rencana gue buat balik ke hotel lagipun pupus. Lucunya gue liat juga banyak yang mikir kayak gue, bisa ke hotel lagi ganti baju HAHA, malangnya ada yang udah ngantri cuman pake hotel slippers LOL and gabisa balik karna udah masuk venue TT sumpah gatau mau ketawa apa nangis gue.
Antrian "awal" buat masuk venue jam 9 pagi aja udah begini #Let The Hunger Games Begins

Jam 6 lewat 10 pagi gue sampe di venue, and you know what ? antriannya udah sampe hall 5!!!! IYA ANTRIAN GUE NUKER TIKET KEMAREN. Nyokap gue pun yang ikut ngintilin bilang "udah biar mama nyerobot di depan" *jangan dicontoh ya gais :"* Usut punya usut yang duduk di antrian paling depan gaterima dong secara banyak ortu ortu ganas juga yang protes mau masuk duluan. Alhasil jadilah sahut sahutan maut antara para ARMY dan orang tua ARMY HAHAHA

Karna gaberhasil dirty techniquesnya yaudah pasrahlah ya ngantri, ya Puji Tuhan gue tetep dapet nomer 629 dari sekitar 2000 fasttrack yang ada. Gue ngantri dari jam 6 lewat pagi sampai masuk ke venue sekitar jam 12an/1an? pokoknya nunggu ngantri di luar venue LAMAAAA BANGET. Ngantri masuk venue pun meskipun fasttrack dapet antri sendiri tetep aja cuy banyak dan lamanya minta ampun. Jadi kita dibuat line gajelas gitu membelesuk masuk ke satu pintu kaca yang ada bodycheck and bagchecknya (gini ya pintunya muat satu orang doang, lo dicek satu satu antrian 4 orang berendeng mau jadi apa) Gue berhasil nyelundupin akua botol sama makanan untungnya HAHA.

629 fasttrack :') hasil mengantri 7 jam

muka muka komuk abis ngantri kepanasan berjam jam di luar, btw this is the banner!

Abis body check dan bagcheck masuk venue ICE, untungnya dingin sodara sodara :"))) habis masuk venue tetep aja kita dianggurin disuruh ANTRI LAGI. And disini titik kesabaran gue ampir habis. Jadi gini, ada line khusus buat check masuk lagi dapet wristband aka gelang tiap section dan benefits. NAH karna saking banyaknya yang dapet fasttrack antriannya pun ancur gitu gajelas. Lebih parahnya lagi CUMAN ADA 2 MEJA, 1 buat meriksa masuk soundcheck 1 buat meriksa masuk fasttrack. Gue ampe ga habis pikir ini kapan mo selesainya kalo CUMAN ADA 2 MEJA dan tiap satu meja cuman ada 2 ORANG yang MERIKSAIN. and you know what mereka meriksa nomer benefit kita (yang gue nyarinya aja ampe jereng) pake MANUAL aka KERTAS PRINTAN sodarah sodarah. Jadi abis lo sodorin kertas print benefit lu mereka nyari tuh nomornya di kertas printan daftar nomer benefit mereka. YEKELESSS KAPAN SELESAINYA.
Ini antrian fasttrack yang gajelas tapi udah ber AC gais :)))

Oke sabar, yaa gue mencoba buat bersabar dan ikut ngantri, bodohnya lagi tololnya, gue kan udah duduk manis di antrian bertuliskan FASTTRACK. Tiba tiba orang IM* bilang ayo masuk ke sini, LAH GUE BINGUNG DONG YA, gue tanya buat apa mas? dia jawab buat tuker gelang kesini. AND YOU KNOW WHAT dia so sesat ternyata yg dimaksud dia masuk ke hall itu buat yang REGULER. And what in the world dia suruh orang FT nuker gelang di yang REGULER? TT ASTAJIM alhasil antrian yg udah teratur ancur gara-gara dia. Kita pun chaos mau kemana.

Pokoknya abis struggle gue akhirnya dapet wristband section dan benefit TT, benganya pas gue lagi ngantri udah mau dapet gelang, si om om IM* nanya ke orang IM* lainnya gini "Eh ini line fasttrack bukan?" dengan bingung si yg satu ngomong "Iya kayaknya" YAAAAMPUN MASBRO INI ACARA SEBENERNYA SIAPA YANG BIKIN SIH. Mereka aja clueless gitu ama semua yang mereka bikin. Oke stop rantingnya.

Sekitar jam stengah 2 siang gue akhirnya dapet gelang dan masuk area "waiting" fasttrack. Disitu kita bisa makan minum ke toilet dandan ganti baju sholat buat yang muslim sama tidur kalo lo mau. Karna belom sarapan dari pagi dan udah kebelet esmosi dan kecapekan, gue berempat (my sis and friends) mutusin buat nyari makan dulu. And yep makanannya mahal 35 rb buat nasi ayam taichan yang surprisingly super pedes, dan akhirnya gue gaberani makan karna perut gue emang lagi bermasalah, gamaulah gue sakit perut menderita sepanjang konser.

Jam 2 siang udah pada standbye di barisan fasttrack. Karna kita semua udah di "nomorin" gue yang nomer 600-an udah duduk manis di line gue. Sekitar jam 2/3 kalo gasalah yang dapet benefit soundcheck masuk. Jam 4 fasttrack akhirnya satu persatu dari nomer urut 1 dipanggil masuk.

AKHIRNYAAAA MASUK VENUE JUGA TT THANKS GOD. Gue udah pasang ancang" lari buat dapet posisi strategis. Alhasil gue dapet spot di samping kanan extended stage, yah lumayanlah baris kedua dari pager :'))) *depan gue ada orang* tapi jelas banget keliatan panggungnya lucky me im tall.

Ini view dari spot gue lumayan kan hehe
Jam 4-an udah dalem venue masih ada waktu 2 jam lagi sebelum konser bener-bener dimulai. Gue pun langsung ngemper di lante karna gakuat lagi HAHA. Awalnya sih pada jaim gitu yang sekitaran gue gamau duduk, tapi akhirnya mereka ikut capek dan duduk juga HEHEHE. Asik asik kok anak-anaknya. Maklum karna gue di Section Red B dan gue tau disitu tempatnya Jhope, Jimin dkk banyak yang suka hyungline di section gue which I like :)))

Jam stengah 6 para reguler ticket holder mulai masuk ke venue, mulai deh gue nonton proses hunger games depan mata gue, serem coii ternyata :'))) Dan jam stengah 7 teng mulai dehh konsernya eaaaaa :"))) dibuka sama bangtan yang perform Not Today, sumpah gue speechless cuman bisa ngangkat armybomb tinggi-tinggi sama hp gue buat ngeabadiin moment ini TT

Oke gais seriously I regret nothing tbh, meskipun banyak pengorbanan, but it was A HELL OF FUN EXPERIENCE. Sehabis concert I realized how lucky I am to stan them so this long :") Oke my thoughts on the boys. Namjoon sumpah dimplesnya ituloh aduh gakuat, and he really have this charisma when he speak english i love that. Jin asli Jin ganteng banget serius, dia make flying kiss terus terusan ke fans TT unfortunately I cannot get a proper photo of him :(. Kuki aslinya emang bener kata orang-orang pemalu bangettt TT but he's so handsome and cute, anddd his tic thigss *okestop*
Jungkook :) ganteng kan gais hehe
Namjoon performing Cypher pt 4

Yoongi emang aslinya lazy lazy gimana gitu hehehe, alus banget mukanya, and yesss he is the fairest amongs them all. Yang bikin gue seneng adalah dia cukup lumayan sering nyamperin spot gue hihihi
Yoongi perfoming cypher pt 4
yoongi again, ini gajelas karna gue ss dari video
Yoongi again :)))

Yang mau liat video videonya bisa langsung ke ig @hoseokslay yaa :)) disitu lengkap semua, karna disini gue cuman ssin :" maklum bukan kamera canggih euy. Oke lanjut buat tiga member terakhir ini emang kesayangan gue sangat :"))))))) TAEHOBICHIM elo kok gitu banget sih di stage. Apalagi elo sih chim tega banget flirtingnya. Oke oke sebelom bahas Jimin #guekhilaf mending bahas vhope kesayangan dulu hihi
taehyung dari belakang :"

Im sucks literally gue gadapet video ataupun photo vhope TT padahal vhope bias gueeee OMG. Tapi dapet sih dipantatin terus tapi guenya atau pas mereka lagi ngadep gue, guenya gasiap TT. Tapi asli sih tae so cute and handsomeee!!!

Jhope bang kenapa sih lo tuh ganteng banget, selain ganteng menurut gue dia yang paling "berkharisma" pas lagi perform. Serius lo gabisa ngalihin pandangan lo ke hal lain kalo dia udah ada di atas panggung, udah kaya magnet tauga bang :" Apalagi pas dia perform MAMA astaga gue berani jamin semua armys yang nonton langsung kesambet sama hoseok :")
jehop dari belakang :"

Yang bikin gue sedikitttt kecewa adalah doi kacangin gue terussss aka ngacangin section gue, jadi orang-orang sekitar guepun udah neriakin nama dia "JHOPEEE JHOPEEE" tapi entah kenapa bang jehop ga peka TT dan gapernah stay more than 1 second di bagian gue which is why gue gabisa dapetin foto sama video dia. But its okayyy gue tetep suka kok :'))))
masih "dikacangi" jehop
oke oke enough galauin bang jehopnya, Highlight of the show wassss PARK JIMIN. Im not kidding but he got some serious skills in flirting and making people love him. Jadiii karna gue sangat sedih jhope gak nengok" ke spot gue, gue pun mulai caper ke member lain dong HAHAHA.

Alhasil ini terjadi , buat liat video bisa langsung ke instagram, @hoseokslay
IYASSS dia ngenotice gue AKA my camera LOL, pokoknya Jimin sering banget bediri depan gue TT sumpah dia tuh yaa bikin orang klemer klemer. Im loyal to hoseok but u making me weak af. Sebelum momen dia notice kamera gue, gue juga sempet eye contact ama jimin *eithermefeelingkeegeranorwhatnot tapi gak terabadikan :'))) 

And finally gue ngerti kenapa semua orang bilang jimin tuh flirty banget karena emang dia tuh yaa genit bangettt, gue sempet liat juga dia winkeu winkeu atau jongkok depan fans lain bikin klepek klepek orang TT gue aja yang eye contact ampe hampir HAMPIR lupa hoseok loh AHAHA gimana yang dia jongkok terus hairflip depan orang haduhhh TT

Overall IM SO GRATEFUL AND THANKFUL for this amazing experience :"> sumpah ga sia sia ngantri dari pagi, kepanasan, menguji esmosi, duit, tenaga, pikiran, karna pas bangtan keluar langsung terbayar :") If you want to watch a concert, watch em cause you wont regret it! 


Mane 'n Tail Shampoo 1 Month Review

Shampoo Mane 'n Tail Original 355 ml
Halo guys!! sori banget udah hampir berapa lama yaaa gak post blog hehehe >_< gue yang sudah menginjak kelas 12 lagi sibuk-sibuk bangeeet meraih prestasi *lebay*, apalagi bentar lagi mau lulus, jadi gabisa sesering dulu waktu jaman SMP post blognya :"

Kali ini gue akan membahas tentang Mane 'n Tail Original Shampoo. Beberapa bulan yang lalu gue udah sering banget denger tentang produk ini, banyak yang bilang bagus dan bahkan ada bukti kalo artis-artis luar negeri like Kim K, Cameron Diaz, etc use this shampoo too!, jadi makin kepo dan akhirnya gue nemuin Shampoo ini di FoodHall Mall Lotte Shopping Avenue harganya Rp.158.800, cukup mahal buat anak sekolahan kayak gue yang biasa make shampoo harga ceban LOL. Okey this shampoo is made for HUMAN and HORSES, yes HORSES!! Awalnya takut juga nyoba, masa shampoo gue sama kayak yang dipake kuda sih, but everyone said it's worked so I tried it. Tenang aman kok buat human lagian emang shampoo ini buat manusia sekaligus kuda.

well melihat ukuran botolnya yang lumayan gede 355 ml gue mikir juga lumayan lah buat investasi siapa tau emang bagus, jadilah gue beli dan nyoba shampoo ini. Bentuk botolnya gede tinggi, yang gue suka adalah buat buka shampoo ini tinggal di push/press aja ke bawah, jadi bakal hemat makenya, dibanding shampoo lain yang capnya harus diputer puter dulu. Warna liquid shampoonya putih just like any other shampoo. Tenang wanginya gak bau kuda kok ;3 malah wanginya sweet enak, gak seekstrem wewangian yang semerbak banget kayak shampoo tresseme atau semacamnya mungkin lebih mirip sama wewangian shampoo bayi yang lembut and lebih gentle. 

The Shampoo Cap and Inside the Bottle

I already used this shampoo from 31th August 2014 until now 17th October 2014(almost 2 months). Seminggu pertama pemakaian gue bilang shampoo ini belum menunjukan hasil yang nyata >< my hail basicly looks the same like when I wore my pantene shampoo.

The second week it's started to change, rambut gue yang pada dasarnya lepek, berminyak, greasy, oily sekarang udah gak cepet berminyak! yeay emang sih kalo gue lompat" OR keringetan etc pasti bakal berkeringat dan hasilnya pasti berminyak tapi it's makes my hair not oily on daily basis, which is awesome because my hair tends to get oily even when I washed it everyday!

The third week, I think the shampoo udah mulai sesuai sama rambut gue, rambut gue jadi keliatan alus and smooth, dan paling penting gak oily! 

Overall ini foto hasil gue memakai shampoo ini hampir 2 bulan lamanya. Is there any differences?
August - October

Gue bulan agustus kemarin emang sempet potong rambut jadi di foto sebelah kiri rambut gue lebih pendek dibanding foto gue yang kanan yang diambil kira-kira bulan oktober.

Gatau apakah pengaruh shampoo ini atau bukan tapi jelas rambut gue nambah lebih panjang dari bulan Agustus lalu. Rambut gue juga jarang berminyak lagi, which is a big plus!! yeay! 

- It's actually work, the description is to use this "original" one for greasy hair and it's really make my hair not greasy
- The cap of the bottle is awesome
- My hair definitely longer more faster than usual 
- Botolnya gede, udah pake hampir dua bulan masih belum abis :D

- MAHAL! it's 158.800 per 355 ml bottle. It's sure big but imagine how many Pantene shampoo that you can buy with that cost
- I want more scent. Sure baunya wangi, tapi menurut gue wanginya kurang nusuk terlalu gentle dan cepet ilang dirambut.
- Lo hanya bisa dapet shampoo ini di supermarket-supermarket yang gede dan yang jual produk-produk import like kemchicks, foodhall, farmers market, etc. You can buy it online too but beware of the fake ones!

Okey sekian review dari gue, I hope this is helping, see you next time :))


Hello November!

Hello all! This is November already! :3 I can't wait for christmas! last month was insanely busy busy month. Cant post anything until this month. Or I'm the one that lazy too write blog._. Well just want to update my blog a little bit here. New month, new hopes, new spirit, new clothes xD, new anything! Be positive! 

Anyway, have you ever heard of OCD? If you have then you know what I'm trying to do :> hihihi but If you dunno what is OCD I'll explain it to you now. OCD is a new diet program that Dedy Corbuzier (Indonesian mentalist, artist, etc) He find this awesome way to lose weight easily. I know, I know the first time I heard about it, I'm just like, well there's no way that's gonna work, bla bla. But because of my curiousness I google it and read the ebook (Dedy's made it for free) and I kinda like this diet because you can STILL eat your favorites food! you don't have to eat greens everyday, stop eating sweets, delicious yummy things that you love. The key is ... FASTING! yes! that what he says ;) 

Unfortunately it is Indonesian language, but you can google translate it if you'd like ;D

So I've been trying this thing lately, and we'll see what happen then! :D

And hmmm there's no new movies that kinda going crazy about last month, maybe Gravity, but I don't really "amazed" by that movie. I can't wait for Catching Fire!!! 22th November! yay!

So that's all I hope you all doing well! Love ya all! :3


All Time Low and A Rocket To The Moon Concert!

A Rocket To The Moon posed on  stage

All Time Low posed on stage

The Ticket!

On 23th August 2013 I went to All Time Low and A Rocket To The Moon concert in Jakarta! It was so amazing concert, and I'm glad I came there. ARTTM actually came for last time, because they'll split up :( it's quite sad because I just discovered their songs, and I love them so  much. 

This is some of my awesome concert experience! take a look!
This is the main stage before everything start! we came a lil bit early, so there was not many people there. But that was good because we can pick our favorite spot *in the middle of the crowd* unfortunately we can't go to close to the stage, because a lot of people arrived earlier and closed our way >< lol

And of course we can't forget to took a pictures hihi :33 

My friend Fanny made this cool drawings for ATL, I didn't make one :( xD
It's about to begin!!!

ARTTM Came First!! They sang Wild and Free their new song for the opening! LOVEEEE it!


Overall that was an amazing concert! I can't forget it! ;DD
Regards @renchrst


Lebaran Little Haul !

Heya all! :D How's your holiday? yesterday me, my mom, and my lil sis went to the mall and we were shopping a little bit, because of our boredness XD. So here you go! X)
My little sweet things <3
First thing that I pick out is this Nyx Soft Matte Lip Cream from Seibu. It's been a really long time since I want to try this lip cream. The color range there is pretty complete, they have Amsterdam (the one that I bought), Antwerp, Milan, Monte Carlo, Addis Ababa, and many more. I decided to bought the Amsterdam one because I want a bright and bold red lipstick, and I thought this one would be a perfect choice! :D

The price in Indonesia is a lil bit pricey, I look at the NYX website in US and they only sell this for about $6. D: But yeah that's the price if you live in US, I live in Indonesia so yeaa X)

Next I went to F21 and found some cute and the best part is DISCOUNTED acessories yeay! 
First is this black bow necklace! It's really cute and I can't help my self not to buy it. And let's see the price! :D
It's IDR 19.000 (less than $2) which is really cool. It's really rare for F21 to have this kinda price, sooo I'm take the chances and buy some more! lol

Next is this cool pair of earings! I don't know but I think it's just so cool looking haha
And the price is
IDR 10.000 which is $1!! hehe I'm kinda excited for this one I mean it's very rare they have a sale until $1 right?

Last thing that I bought is 
 This mustache earings!! I'm sorry for the picture, I don't know why the picture break like that -_- Anyway I got it for IDR 19.000 (less than $2) too! How cool is that xD

So yup that's my mini haul, hope you like it! :D 

Hope you have a wonderful holiday all


Lebaran Holiday Week

Hello all it's been a looong time since I wrote my recent blogpost, so sorry >,< I don't have that much time to even open my laptop and online, because of my school works. But now I'm on my Lebaran holiday! yayyy. Sayang banget gue hanya dapet liburan 1 minggu T_T yup one week only, why? I don't even know guys, my school really really happy to keeping their students at school :( gue bahkan baru memasuki libur hari ini :(

But enough for that, it's holiday now which means I can write more blogpost and having great time!! :D yuhuuu. How's life everyone? gak kerasa juga yaa udah lebaran, serasa waktu berjalan sangat cepat! *lebay* but it's true, don't you ever feel time runs so fast every day? 

Bulan Agustus ini gue excited bangeeeet, why? selain karna libur lebaran ini (1 week only hiks) gue bakal nonton konser. Yup you heard what I said a concert! what concert? It's All Time Low and Rocket To The Moon Concert!!! aaaaaaaaaaaa I'm so excited. The concert is on 23th August which on Friday night, it's going to be awesome!. I'm going to do some vlog there too hopefully, and I'm not going alone, I'll go with my friends Nana and Fanny, they're basicly a fangirlish more than me lol :3 

Apalagi yaa? ohiya gue bakal review tentang Garnier BB Cream, yang baru aja keluar di Indonesia. Take a look 

Sorry I haven't take the picture with my own camera >< but I will when I post the review. So the price here in Indonesia is IDR I6.500 (less than $2) it's shockingly really cheap. But it said on the box that price is only for the "introduction" price. I'm excited to try this product and can't wait to see the result, there's so many people that said this is a really good drugstore bb cream, so I'll try it! I also curious with the Ponds one, maybe I'll try that one next time.

Enough for bb cream xD, I recently just watch a horror movie titled "The Conjuring". It's very booming in Indonesia and we're all just like "Lo udah nonton belom conjuring??" hihi we're all excited for this new horror movie. I just watched it a few days ago, and I really like it. It's not a cheap, cheesy kinda horror movie, it have a message inside and I love it. It also have a "happy" type of ending too. Will you watch it guys? 

Just FYI I don't use my blackberry anymore T^T my sweet bb is already taken by my grandma, she's do this "tukeran" thing lol so I gave her my bb and she bought me iphone 4 yay! It's not iPhone 5 of course, that phone is ridiculously so expensive! I'm very grateful for my new phone. Hope I can take a good care for it like my bb hihi :D

So that's my life around July and August. How's yours? 


Mall Hauls

Hellooo All! How are yaa? Yesterday I went to mall with my mom and my sistaah. Here are some of things that I got <3 

We went to Foodhall GI and bought some stuffs hihi. I got fitbar fruit, gumm, and chocolate. My mom and sis got pretty much same things hehe.

I also got some of Rilakkuma items from Foodhall. From the left is Rilakkuma iPhone case/phone case I got that one from a kawaii store from Artha Gading, center one is a earbuds clip thingy from FH, the right one is a paper tape with a very cute Rilakkuma design. 

My mom also got me this Seibu giftcard yuhuu thanks mom :*

We went to F21 after that and it was very crowded lol. I found this very cute bandeau, and recently fell in love </3 they have the orange one, but I decided to buy this mint color instead.

We also went to this store called "Cotton On" They said it's an Australian brand, but all the things in the shop are made in Hongkong. XD 
They had a very very friendly price and very good stuff like clothes, shoes, bags, accesories. I found this red shoes and loving it. I think I can make those to be a Vans shoes dupes haha.

We also went to Seibu department store because my mom wanted to bought lipstick from maybelline. I got lipstick too from maybelline. Its the color sensational lipstick in Coral Crush. Love love the color, it's so bright and perfect for summer.

Here are the swatches!

The packaging and price tag

Anddd that's it all the things that I got from GI :D I hope you have a wonderful holiday and summer! <3