


Hi All it's me again!, I decided to make another blog for myself :D so i can write my own story here. Actually this blog is about my own life story. Why I gave the name of this blog "Dreams Come True"?, this because I was so inspired by a sense of the word Dream, which means wanting something that may be impossible to achieve. But I believe if you still hold on to your dreams, you will surely make it one day.

The picture above shows a dream for me, its about someone sitting on the bench and looked towards the evening sky. This pic actually made me feel emotional, not because when i looked the pic while i listening to a mellow song . But the meaning of the pic itself. 

Honestly i' am a dreamer :) I love to imagine what would happen to me in the future, and imagine that perhaps in the eyes of others may not happen to me. But I love to be me, whatever any others are saying :D 

So, hopefully this blog can help me to write my opinion, story, or anything about me! And I hope you like my blog :D, And last Enjoy to share your problems, or suggestions for my blog :D

Best Regards,

Miss Ozera

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