

Review NuFace Facial Mask



what's inside

Heyya all! Tadi siang gue iseng-iseng pergi ke supermarket hihi :D Begitu liat di rak cleaser" gue ketemu ini nih Facial Mask! yey, udah dari lama pengen nyobain cuman belum kesampaian, sampai akhirnya beli juga deh ><

Product Name: Nuface Facial Mask Whitening (Anti Acne)
Price: Rp. 12.500 (more or less)
Skin Type: For all skin type

So, I tried this mask just a few hours ago and I really like it!
The steps are really easy as well:
1. Open the packaging, take the mask and put it on your face (clean face)
2. Leave it for 15-20 minutes
3. Peel the mask off and wipes anything left

Plus +
- Menthol/cold/refreshing sensation
- I like the mask texture
- nice packaging

Min -
- The liquid from the mask is too much
- It's only for 1x used

Overall I really like it, and maybe I'm going to try other facial mask! <3 stay tune!

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