

Face Shop Lovely ME EX Jelly Tint

Halo all :D sekarang gue lagi sukaaa banget sama product lippies dari face shop ini, namanya Lovely ME EX Jelly Tint. Tau tentang product ini ga sengaja juga, waktu itu cuma iseng-iseng mampir di face shop artha gading, karna liat buy 4 get 1 nail polishnya hihi. 

Tiba-tiba gue ditawarin gitu jelly tint ini, and thank's God I was really lucky that day. Jelly tintnya lagi diskon and gue dapet dengan harga Rp. 25.000/pcs hoho. Pertama agak ragu juga belinya, karna tumben banget face shop diskon sampe 25 ribu. But because of my desire of shopping xD I bought it anyway~

So here's the reveiew~^_^~

I only got 2 of them first one on the left is called Cherry and the one on the right called Peach. The name itself is so simple and really nice description of the product. 

Teksturnya gak lengket kayak kebanyakan produck lippies, it's so nice and easily glides on my lips. Wanginya sweet and ga bikin ilfil makenya. Packagingnya imuut kecil but still good for put in you baggie.

Here's swatch on my lippies, maybe you can't really see much different, but it really do different each other.
The peach color is such a pretty nude color, it's not really nude but pretty peach! The cherry one is my favorite, it's really brighten up my lips, the color itself like the color of cherry.

*Please don't mind my face* XD

Overall I LOVEEE this jelly tint! It's such a great options between lipstick and lipgloss. Gue ga terlalu suka feel greasy, lengket, and terlalu glossy dari lipgloss and kering, mattenya lipstik. So jelly tint is kinda like in beetween. 

Product: Face Shop Lovely ME EX Jelly Tint
Price: Discount Rp.25.000 sorry I don't know the actual price
Repurchase: Yes! *the cherry one*

Murah *kalo sedang discount*
Tintnya pas ga berlebihan
I like the texture!
Pilihan warnanya bagus

Isinya sedikit w_w


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